Κυριακή 1 Μαΐου 2005

Translation from the original Italian by SysTran (will be corrected as time allows)
Ελληνική μετάφραση επίσης με SysTran (θα διορθωθεί) βρίσκεται στα comments κάτω απ'το άρθρο.

source: http://www.radioinsurgente.org/index.php?name=comunicados
Il Manifesto, Italia, 19.02.2005 - italiano

from "The Manifest" of 19 February 2005
Radio Insurgente, one voice to the service without voice

An interview with the editors of Radio Insurgente, former Radio Zapata, situated in the heart of the Chiapas, where the history of the subcomandante can be listened Marcos like best music of Mexico

Listening to Insurgente Radio during its eighteen hours of daily programming, often imbatte to us in a slogan with which soon he becomes himself familiar:"the voice of without voice".Many, too many in this the earth border richest and depredated, where the aboriginal peasants do not possess neanche the more elementary rights, invocati opportunely from the mentor Zapata:"earth and freedom".In order to render faith to the own mission, Insurgente Radio has today achieved four radio stations (but it already has a fifth ready), one with an independent programming, that they cover as many strategic points of the Chiapas:from the north to the border with Oaxaca and Tabasco to the south of the Lacandona Forest, passing for the zone Altos de Chiapas, center where more important has general its quartier, that one than Pol-I have.The strategic location of the radio of Pol-I have is all in the possibility (only between the five consorelle) to transmit also in short wave, what that renders its reception in all the Centroamerica possible and, at times (like testified from a listener), even in Argentine.Here, in the essential but technically most effective study, the coordinator and two compa?eras-local receive me that daily they lend voice and militancy to the cause of Insurgente Radio.The covered anonymity and faces, explain to me, are are one political choice that one necessity:"we never do not say our names, because he is not never the single conductor to speak to the communities, but is the radio of its army to make it.Sure, a clandestinit? problem exists also that obligates us to the anonymity;in wave and during this interview ".
Seen the recurrence, I try makes to tell the three years me of the radio, between changes and conquests:"To the beginning we called Radio Zapata, and for the first six months we have only transmitted music.Then, in August of 2003, we have told step step the birth of the Caracoles (political committees independent zapatiste, fruit of the occupation of some town halls, Ndr), event that to tutt' today we remember like one of the services beautifulr offers from the radio.The things are changed much from the debuts:it helps you from some similar ones I spin-zapatisti of City of Mexico, we have structured the radio in simple way but it works them, till now, with ours it sendes you that they record their services on minidisc and them rimontano to the computer through the editing digita them ".
The Subcomandante Marcos often nozzle from those microphones ironiche invectives finalized to the "conversion" of the soldiers, sons of the people like they.Insurgente radio does not have fixed sources of financing, and can only count on the net of national and international solidarity.Soon on the situated Internet www.radioinsurgente.org it will come indicated also an address where to be able to send instrumentation radio or any other useful material.Who desires to give an endured contribution, can instead make sending it money to:Nachrichtenpool Lateinamerika E.V. - Cuenta Nr:16264108 - Postbank Berlin - Blz:100 100 10 - Codigo:Radio Chiapas - Swift/Bic:Pbnkdeff- Iban:De78 1001 0010 0016 2641 08.
Which are the priorities and it objects you to it of Insurgente Radio
For we it is important to understand the people, to integrate us to he.For this we choose one communication simple and directed, than alternate the entertainment to programs educated to you.We aim a lot at health and instruction.We cure in particular the notiziari and it communicates to you political, the only source of possible controinformazione in the Chiapas.And we translate always every participation in voice in the local language (in the aboriginal communities, cause the catastrophic governmental political, approximately a third party of the men and the half of the women does not know to read neither to write, ndr).We very work on the legends and the aboriginal traditions:through programs like the dignidad of color de the tierra, we try to strengthen the identity of the pueblos.But also the entertainment is fundamental:the people love its music, love to dance;it is for that we program tantissima cumbia, but also romantica, ranchera, marimba and rock.One of the things that our listeners more often ask to us then, are the story produced and record from the Subcomandante Marcos to you, history in fable shape that they serve to amuse the community, but also to sensibilizarla on determines topics to you.
We take the Naranja Electrica and the Bruja Panfila… the attempt is that one to educate to the respect for the women.That it turns out to you you have found in such sense
The things are decidedly changing in best, thanks also to the Ley revolucionarias de las mujeres - one of the two women takes part.- the fact that a lot in the radio that in the army exists feminine figures of I enunciate, gives to the girls young new models with which identifying themselves, and to the men strong reasons in order to respect to us.Sure, it wants time to us.Until yesterday we were relegated in house and we could not neanche make reunions between of we, while today sun cooperatives exist women, given over to politics or the handicraft.
Perceived one answer fort from part of the communities
Strong.Young and in particular young they seem to drive crazy for the innovation of the radio.We have received in three years of activity beyond thousand letters of salutes and support, and continue to also receive some with the average of fifty to the month not being able to give a our address (receive to them near the several one caracol of zone, Ndr).But the thing more important is that never like hour, through means of the radio, we are succeeding to speak with force and persuasion also to the inside about the not zapatiste communities.
Continuous the Federal Army to disturb the frequencies of Insurgente Radio
Oh sure.Above all during the emission of the notiziari and of it communicates to you, what that evidently annoys them much!But the funny thing - we do not know dirti if in order to listen to the entertained movements of the enemy or because from our music, than they do not find on nobody radio trades them - passing in front of the military stations often we surprise to feel them Insurgente Radio to all volume!
EZLN Manifesto 1994 (by subcommandante Marcos)

Communique from the General Command of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee of the EZLN.
6 January, 1994

Here we are, the dead of always, dead again, but now to live. To the Mexican people: To the people and governments of the world: Brothers and Sisters:
Since the first of January, of this year, our Zapatista troops began a series of politico-military actions with the principle objective being to let all the people of Mexico and the world know the miserable conditions that millions of Mexicans, especially we the indigenous people, live in. With these actions that we began we also let people know our decision to fight for our elementary rights by the only way that the government authorities will allow: armed struggle.
The grave conditions of poverty of our compatriots has one common cause; the lack of liberty and democracy. We consider that authentic respect of liberty and democratic will of the people are the indispensable prerequisites for the improvement of the economic and social conditions of the dispossessed of our country.
For this reason, just as we fly the flag of improvement of life conditions of the Mexican people, we present the demand of liberty and political democracy, for which we call for the renunciation of the illegitimate government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari and the formation of a new government for a democratic transition, which would guarantee clean elections in all levels of the government. We repeat the life of our political and economical demands and around which we are trying to unite all of the people of Mexico and all independent organizations so that, by means of all of the different forms of struggle, a national revolutionary movement can begin where all of the forms of social organization can have a place, and the betterment of Mexico can be set forth with honesty and patriotism.
Since the beginning of our war for liberation we have received not only attacks by the repressive governmental bodies and the federal Army, but also we have been slandered by the federal and state governments and by the mass news media, who try, devaluing our struggle, to lie to the Mexican people saying that our struggle is financed by foreigners, mercenaries, dark interests and anti- patriots who only seek personal gain. Because of these slanders and lies, our EZLN is obligated to say the following:
First: our EZLN does not have, either in its ranks or among its leaders, any foreigners, nor has it ever received any support or training of revolutionary forces from other countries or foreign governments. The news that Guatemalans are fighting in our ranks and that they were trained in Guatemala are stories invented by the federal government to discredit our cause. We have not had, nor will we ever have, any connection with the Salvadoran FMLN, nor with the Guatemalan URGN, nor with any other latinamerican, european, african, asiatic or oceanic armed movement. The military techniques that we employ were not learned from the centralamerican insurgence, but rather from the mexican military history; from Hidalgo, Morelos, Guerrero, Mina, from the resistance to the Yankee invasion in 1846-47, from the popular response to the french intervention, from the great heroic exploits of Villa y Zapata and from the struggles of indigenous resistance throughout the history of our country.
Second: Our EZLN doesn't have any relations with the catholic church authorities or any other religion. We haven't received orientation, direction or support from neither the ecclesiastic structure of Chiapas or the papal nuncio nor the Vatican or anybody.
In our ranks, the majority are catholic, but include other creeds and religions.
Third: The orders and troop elements of the EZLN are mostly from Chiapas, this is so because the indigenous represent the poorest and most humiliated sector of Mexico, and also, as can be seen, the most dignified. We are thousand of natives armed, behind us there are tens of thousands of our families. Therefore, we are tens of thousands of natives in struggle. The government says it is not an indigenous uprising, but we think that if thousands of natives rise up in arms, then yes it is an indigenous uprising. There are also in our movement Mexicans from other social origins and distinct states of our country. They agree with us and have united with us because they do not agree with the exploitation that we suffer.
Just as these non-indigenous Mexicans have united with us, others will because our struggle is national and is not limited only to the state of Chiapas. Actually, the political direction of our struggle is totally indigenous; 100 percent of the members of the indigenous revolutionary clandestine committees in all territories of combat are ethnic Tzotzil, Tzetal, Chol, Tojolabal and others. It's true that not all the natives of Chiapas are with us yet, because their are many (brothers) who are still submerged in the ideas and tricks of the government but we are already thousands and they must take us into account. The use of masks to hide our faces is in keeping with elemental security measures and as a vaccine against caudillismo.
Fourth: There are a variety of arms and equipment that our people count on, (and it should be understood) that their total number and quality were not shown publicly to the mass media or to the civilian populations in the major municipalities that we took over on the 1st and 2nd of this month. These arms and equipment were (consigned) little by little and prepared by 10 years of accumulation of forces in silence. The "sophisticated" means of communication that we possess can be bought in any imported goods store in the country. To get the arms and equipment we never resorted to robbery, extortion, or kidnapping/hijacking, we always relied on what we were given by the humble and honest people, in all of Mexico. That we never resorted to banditry is the reason why the forces of repression hadn't detected us throughout 10 years of careful and serious preparation.
Fifth: Some have asked why we decided to begin now, since we have been preparing for awhile. The answer is that before we tried other pacifist and legal without result. During the last 10 years over 150,000 of our native brothers have died from curable illnesses. The social and economic plans of the municipal, state and federal governments don't offer any real solutions to our problems and are limited to giving us (alms) crumbs when there are elections, but the crumbs are temporary and then death comes again to our houses. Because of this we say enough, that we had enough of dying a useless death, and that it is better to fight for change. If we die now it is no longer in shame but with dignity, like our ancestors. Another 150,000 are prepared to die if necessary to wake up our people from the deceptive dream in which they are held.
Sixth: the conditions of "reconciliation" that the federal government is trying to impose on us is unacceptable to our organization. We won't lay down our arms until the demands that we made at the beginning of our struggle are met. On the other hand, we propose the following conditions for the initiation of dialogue:
A) Recognition of the EZLN as a belligerent force.
B) Cease fire on all sides in disputed territories.
C) Withdrawal of federal troops from all communities with full respect for the human rights of the rural population. Withdrawal of federal troops to their respective barracks in distinct parts of the country.
D) Stop the indiscriminate bombing of rural populations.
E) With the last three conditions as a base, the formation of an intermediary national commission.
Our troops are committed to respecting these conditions if the federal government does the same. If not, our troops will continue to carry out their advance on the capital of the country.
Our EZLN reiterates that we will continue to adhere to the laws of war approved by the Geneva Convention, respecting the civilian population, the Red Cross, the press, the wounded and the enemy troops who surrender without fighting to our troops.
We're making a special call to the North American people and government. To the first to initiate solidarity actions and aid to our compatriots, and the Northamerican government to suspend all military and economic aid to the dictatorial government that doesn't respect human rights and because said aid will be used to massacre the Mexican people.
Mexicans: the military balance in the dispute up to the 5th of Jan., has brought forth the following results:
1) Casualties of the Zapatista forces: 9 dead and 20 seriously wounded being attended in our field hospitals. An undetermined amount of slightly wounded that were reintegrated to their combat posts and 123 missing in action. We haven't included in this total our combatants who, wounded, were killed in cold blood (with a shot of mercy) by officials of the federal army. We have not determined yet the number of these comrades since our troops continue to fight in Ocosingo.
2) Casualties of the enemy forces (including police and federal soldiers) 27 dead, 40 wounded and 180 prisoners who surrendered to our troops and were then released in good shape. There are another 30 federal troops dead, at least, unconfirmed. These casualties along with an undetermined number of wounded were produced on the 4th of Jan., in the mountains south of San Cristobal de las Casas when bombs dropped by the F.A.M. fell on the trucks of the federal soldiers that were maneuvering in that zone.
3) Enemy war material destroyed or damaged: 3 artillery helicopters of the F.A.M. (one in the capital Ocosingo and 2 in SCLC), 3 F.A.M. (airships) rockets, 15 radio patrols, 4 torture centers of the State Judicial Police.
4) Liberated prisoners: 230 from attacks on 4 prisons (2 in SCLC, 1 in Ocosingo, 1 in Margaritas)
5) War materials captured: approximately 207 arms of different calibers (M-16, G-3, M-2, grenade launchers, rifles and pistols and an undetermined amount of ammunition of diverse calibers.
1266 kilograms of dynamite and 10,000 TNT detonators.
20 transport vehicles.
An undetermined amount of radio communications equipment used by the police, army and air force.
To the national and international press:
We call the attention of the honest national and international press to the genocide being conducted by the federal military forces in the principal municipalities of San Crist?bal de las Casas, Ocosingo, Altamirano and Margaritas, as well as on the roads bordering those points, where civilians were assasinated indiscriminately and later presented as casualties of EZLN. Some of the dead Zapatistas claimed by the Federal army, enjot perfect health. The behavior of the federal troops in these cities contrasts with that of our forces who are always preoccupied, as civilians in these cities can testify, with protecting innocent lives. The majority of the destruction to public and private buildings that were next to our troops were caused by federal troops when they entered the 4 principal municipalities.
To the Federal Army:
The conflict presents the unmasking, once more, of the nature of the federal army and it shows them in their true essense: the indiscriminate represion, the violation of all human rights and the lack of ethics and military honor. The assasinations of women and children perpetrated by the army in the area of conflict show an army without control. We are calling on officials, (classes) and troops of the army to fully refuse to carry out orders handed down to them by their superiors to exterminate civilians or sumarily execute prisoners of war and wounded and to maintain military honors and ethics. We reiterate our invitation for you to abandone the ranks of the bad government and to join with the just cause of the people, (as you have proven yourselves), that only longs to live with justice or die with dignity. We have respected the lives of soldiers and police that have surrendered to our forces, you take pleasure in sumarily executing Zapatistas that you find wounded, unable to fight, and those who surrender. If you begin to attack our families and not to respect the lives of prisoners and wounded, then we will do the same.
To the Mexican people:
Finally, we call to workers, poor peasants, teachers, students, progressive and honest intellectuals, house wives and professionals, and to all independent political and economic organizations to join our struggle which has already begun and that in all possible ways they help us achieve the freedom that all Mexicans desperately want.
--From the mountains of Southeastern Mexico.
Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee. General Command of the EZLN
Signed by subcomandante Marcos

Παρασκευή 1 Απριλίου 2005

Το ατομικό δεν είναι πολιτικό, μια φράση "σοφή" που δεν κατανόησα ποτε. Δηλαδή το πολιτικό είναι τα των άλλων αλλά όχι τα του ατόμου; Εγώ όμως ένα άτομο είμαι, και δεν ταυτίζομαι με κάποιο σύνολο. Έχω υπεροψία, σας κοιτάω όλους αφ'υψηλού.

Καλώς ¨η κακώς πριν λίγα χρόνια είχα την ψευδαίσθηση ότι ερχόμουνα σε μιά χώρα με πιο ανθρώπινες σχέσεις απ'αυτή που άφησα. H ψευδαίσθηση μου αυτή κατέλιξε σε τραγικό λάθος. Θεωρώ τα 4 τελευταία χρόνια στη χώρα αυτή, την Ελλάδα, τα πιο χαμένα και ψυχοφθόρα της ζωής μου. Γιατί; Θεωρούσα τον εαυτό μου προοδευτικό και ανθρωπιστή. Έχω γίνει φασίστας μισέλληνας.

Με δυσκολία να αναγνώρισω έστω κι ένα θετικό χαρακτηριστικό του μέσου Έλληνα. 90% εγωκεντρικοί, συμφεροντολόγοι, κακοήθεις, ζηλόφθονοι, τυχοδιώκτες. Μια ζούγγλα με σαρκοφάγα θεριά! Αμόρφωτοι, ανεύθηνοι, και κυριότερα χωρίς καμμία αίσθηση κοινωνικής δικαιωσύνης. Όποιος προλάβει κι αρπάξει και υποβαθμίσει τον διπλανό του. Καμμία ελπίδα γιά καλύτερο αύριο! Όποιος μπορεί να ζήσει για σήμερα, κι όσο πιο πολλοί αδικηθούν σήμερα τόσο το καλύτερο γιά αυτόν. Ελλάδα!

ΜΜΕ τα οποία αχολούνται συστηματικά με το κουτσομπολιό των διασήμων. Διεθνείς ειδήσεις μηδέν. Παρουσιάσεις διεθνών κοινωνικών αγώνων ΜΗΔΈΝ, γιατί εκείνοι είναι μαλάκες που ελπίζουν για καλύτερο αύριο. Είναι ψώνια, ζουν στη καρακοσμάρα τους. Να γίνουν σαν κι εμάς όλοι. Άγρια θεριά και τομαράκηδες. Να χώνονται κι αυτοί μπροστά απ'τις ουρές ν'αρπάξουν πρώτοι! Αγώνες, επιδιώξεις, ελπίδες, οράματα, ιδανικά! Λέξεις δεγραμένες απ'το Ελληνικό λεξικο. Αντικαταστάθηκαν απ'το λαμόγιο, τη ρεμούλα, τη κομπίνα, το "ωχ αδερφέ, εσυ θα σώσεις τον κόσμο;", γάμα τους άλλους, κάντη δουλειά σου εσυ τώρα. Τα ΜΜΕ απαντούν στις διανοητικές απαιτήσεις ενός άθλιου λαού.

Το κράτος και η πολιτική ζωή αντικατοπτρίζουν τις ηθικές αξίες του λαού που υπηρετούν. Μητσοτάκηδες, Βαρβιτσιώτηδες, Λαλιότηδες, Κωνσταντόπουλοι. Εξευγενισμένα ανδρίκελα του μέσου Έλληνα σκατόψυχου υποκριτή. Μόνο ο Μητσάρας ο Κουφοντίνας διαφέρει. Κρυβόταν πίσω απ'τη δικαιολογία ότι αγωνιζόταν για ένα καλύτερο αύριο. Αν δεν πιστέψαμε αυτόν, δείξτε μου ποιόν να πιστέψουμε. ΕΝΑΝ!

Να πετυχαίνεις ένα υγειηνό τρόπο ζωής και να συχένεσαι τον εαυτό σου που το πέτυχες κάτω απ'αυτές τις συνθήκες κι ανάμεσα στα απάνθρωπα αυτά κτήνη. Αυτή είναι η ζωή στην Ελλάδα; Να την χέσω τέτοια ζωή! Ναι, έγινα φασίστας, ρατσιστής, ανθέλληνας. Είναι ο πιο αισχρός λαός που έχω γνωρίσει ποτε, αυτοί οι σημερινοί Έλληνες. Ντρέπομαι μπροστά σε οποιονδήποτε υπήκοο άλλης χώρας να αντιμετωπιστώ σαν μέλος της σαρκοφάγου αυτής αγέλης. Ντρέπομαι που είναι τα σύνορα ανοικτά και μπορούν άλλοι κάτοικοι της γης να γίνονται θεατές σ'αυτή την ανθρώπινη κατάντια. Ίσως το χειρότερο παράδειγμα κοινωνικής εξέλιξης. Ίσως το καλύτερο παράδειγμα για το πόσο αισχρά μπορεί ναι είναι τα αποτελέσματα απο μια γρήγορη μετάβαση καπιταλιστικής ανάπτυξης.

Απάνθρωπος φασίστας ρατσιστής, εγώ! Ούτε σαπούνι δεν αξίζει να φτιάξει κανείς απο Έλληνες. Βιολογική επιβάρυνση του περιβάλλωντος οι Έλληνες. Ο Αλλάχ έκανε δώρο στους Τούρκους την απαλαγή τους από αυτά τα ανθρώπινα κατακάθια που επομίστηκαν την ταμπέλα Έλληνες. Ρεζίλι μιάς ταμπέλας / εθνικότητας δολοφωνημένης από ένα ψυχασθενή Σλαβομακεδώνα κατακτητή. Και σαν να μήν έφτανε το χάλι αυτών των κατοίκων της Νότιας Βαλκανικής χερσονήσου, τους πλάκωσε και η αρρώστια της βυζαντοχριστιανοσύνης. Το απόσταγμα της αθλιότητας της ρωμαϊκής αυτοκρατορίας! Εφιάλτες, κερκόπορτες, ταγματασφαλήτες. Το κερασάκι του καπιταλισμού τους έλυψε και σπάσανε ρεκόρ στην απανθρωπιά της Γήινης ιστορίας. Καλή 1ή Απριλίου σε όλες τις εξαιρέσεις του κανόνα αυτού! Όλοι οι άλλοι εξαερωθείτε με όλες μου τις ευχές!
